Speaker Announcement #5

3 June
Robert Lindquist PBX Photo Booth Expo

Returning for his second go around is the delightful Bob Lindquist the right hand man behind the worlds largest photo booth expo PBX. Bob will be sharing his tips and advice to help you stay focused, motivated and productive with his talk “Time Management: Simplified”

Being your own boss is great but comes with it’s own set of challenges. So if like me you struggle with prioritising work flows, staying motivated and holding yourself accountable then this talk is really going to help get you back on track and kicking goals again!

In addition to his current assignment as Media and Marcom Director of Photo Booth Expo, Bob operates FLXWebDesign and Dayspring Communications Group. His connection to the Photo Booth industry relates to his background as a Mobile DJ and former Publisher of Mobile Beat: The DJ Magazine. After weathering 40+ years of Self-Employment, Bob has learned a thing or two on how to make it work and now enjoys encouraging others in their journey to make it on their own.

Earlybird tickets on sale for a limited time boothcon.com.au

BringOnBoothCon 14/15 Jan 2020 Brisbane
#BoothCon #BoothCon20 #HappyBoothin #PhotoBoothExpoAustralia